GuiXT.ini mit allen möglichen Einträgen als Beispiel

Die folgende GuiXT.ini enthält alle möglichen Befehle. Befehle die Sie nicht benötigen können sie einfach durch einen Kommentar // deaktivieren.

// GuiXT profile parameters
// - Set Profile parameters via Edit->Profile in GuiXT for single installations
// - Use .ini file for general rollout
// This example contains all possible entries
// 01.12.2010 / Gérald Koehn / Koehn Consulting /
// IgnoreRegistry   	Yes/No              // Ignore local GUiXT profile 
// Component       	GuiXT               // Component selection: GuiXT 
// Component       	InputAssistant      // Component selection: InputAssistant
// Component       	Viewer              // Component selection: Viewer 
// Component       	Designer            // Component selection: Designer 
// Component	   	Controls	    // Component selection: Controls
// Directory1      	directory           // Script Directory 1
// Directory2      	directory           // Script Directory 2
// Directory3      	directory           // Script Directory 3
// Directory4      	directory           // Script Directory 4
// StartMinimized  	Yes/No              // Start with a minimized window
// StartHidden     	Yes/No              // Start with a hidden window  
// History         	directory           // InputAssistant: History Directory 
// HistoryUpdate   	Yes/No              // InputAssistant: History Update active 
// Domains         	directory           // InputAssistant: Local value help
// HistoryOnRightButton   Yes/No       	    // InputAssistant: History on right mouse button
// HistoryOnMiddleButton  Yes/No            // InputAssistant: History on middle mouse button
// HistoryShowIcon      Yes/No              // InputAssistant: History display Icon
// InputSet	   	directory           // InputAssistant: InputSet Directory
// HelpViewDirectory  	directory           // Viewer: HelpView directory 
// VbsLibrary           directory/file      // Controls: File with the VbsScript Library
// Usercatalog		directory	    // Usercatalog directory
// Icon_tip_field  	xx                  // R/3 icon id for field tips, default: 0L                          
// Icon_tip_box    	xx                  // R/3 icon id for field group tips, default: 35
// Option          	xxx1                // User Option (see "if Q[Option=xxx]")    
// Option          	xxx2                // "    
// Option          	xxx3                // "    
// EnableSystem		xxx		    // SAP systems for which the GuiXT configuration should be active. 
// TextEditor           xxx                 // Path and Filename of the Texteditor
// Replication     	Yes/No              // File replication active
// Directory0      	directory           // Directory for replicated files 
// CacheEncryption      Yes/No              // Encryption of the Cache
// Key             	xxxxxx              // Licence key, not required for component GuiXT on R/3 Rel. 4.0
// Testkey         	xxxxxxxx            // Test licence key 
// Trace           	Yes/No              // Internal tracing active (only for error analysis)
// TraceFile            directory/file      // Name of the tracefile include the directory (e.g C:TempTrace.txt)
// NoLanguageKey	Yes/No		          // If Script are language dependant or not
// Linksapurl      	Yes/No              // Viewer: Support SAP-Url in normal html display  
// EnableControls       Yes/No              // Controls are automatically built up when processing an InputScript
// CheckAllDirectories  Yes/No              // GuiXT will search all specified directories for each script
// UserStatistics       xxxxxxxxxxxx        // Specifies a shared folder where the UserStatistic is saved
// RfcUser	       xxxxxxxxx	    // RfcUser for RFC calls
// RfcPassword          xxxxx               // Password for RFC calls 
// RfcPasswordEnc       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    // Password for RFC calls encrypted
// RfcCurrentClient     Yes                 // Script download via current client
// RfcConnect           xxxxxxxxxxxxx       // Explicit connection parameters used in all RFC 
//                                          //  e.g  (ifDatabase=C11  ASHOST=c11.main SYSNR=07 )
//                                          //        (MSHOST=... R3NAME=... GROUP...)
// FileAccessTimeout    x                   // Maximum x seconds for ftp://, http:// or external file server access
// RfcAccessTimeout     x                   // Maximum x seconds for RFC Access

Sie können die GuiXT.ini mit CTRL A , CTRL C and CTRL V aus der grauen Box heraus kopieren.
